passenger helmet? |

passenger helmet?

Well I am a female and I wear a M Shoei RF1100...I personally will likely pick up the same helmet for my passenger or use my current for a passenger if my second bike colour scheme changes.....

Just wondering if any riders here can recommend a passenger helmet.

Is there a typical helmet size for girls or a type they prefer to wear? I wear a full face shoei, and I wonder whether I should just get a second one in medium or just pick up one up a "belvedere" from Ruby? (
Do you have a certain someone in mind? Someone that will be riding with you more often than anyone else? If so then I'd recommend taking them with you just to try the helmet on for a good fit. Then if you happen to have someone else use the helmet it will still be a decent size for other female riders. I wear a M in Icon, and I think I have an average size head. I tried on the L first, but after a few quick "tests" by the shop keeper, they advised me that a M would be better suited for me.

Just wondering if any riders here can recommend a passenger helmet.

Is there a typical helmet size for girls or a type they prefer to wear? I wear a full face shoei, and I wonder whether I should just get a second one in medium or just pick up one up a "belvedere" from Ruby? (
I wear a M Shark RSR2. I picked up a new M HJC R1 for $78 at Royal last weekend (only the best for my passengers!). Way better lid than I was expecting for the price and it'll fit me if something happens to my Shark.

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