The bike was only delivered yesterday (July 6, 2011) and insurance (State Farm) needed pics of the bike, so I had to take her out of the storage unit. I figured since she's out, I'd take her for a spin around the parking lot a few times. Just to see that everything was ok with the bike. Looks like GP Bikes (where I bought it) cleaned the bike fairly well and included a full tank of gas. I'm hoping they did all other other checks as well, but I'll go over that more carefully later.
Nice bike and plenty fast when cranked, more than enough for a beginner (my wife) and should keep me happy for a while. I found it very easy to maneuver, comfortable and it has a certain fun factor that you'd expect from a dual-sport bike.

Nice bike and plenty fast when cranked, more than enough for a beginner (my wife) and should keep me happy for a while. I found it very easy to maneuver, comfortable and it has a certain fun factor that you'd expect from a dual-sport bike.

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