Opinion - Age of Protective Gear

The article is inconclusive other than noise. I have seen poly helmets shatter into pieces. I'm not going to take the advice of someone that wishes they still had thier 40 yr old lid to wear. But that's just my opinion. Lol

My first helmet a 1987 Bieffe full face was plastic. Seam right up the middle. $75 cracked on the first and only hit but my head was fine. I keep helmets for a longtime unless they get dropped or that smell just doesn't wash away anymore. All my summer jackets are 10-15 years old. Bought the last two and gloves used. They fit fine and used little. I crashed in my oldest jacket at speed but still fine. Only replaced because it "shrunk in the waist"
Better the opinion of the materials science grad than illusory recollections of "shattered helmets" :rolleyes: :coffee:

"shrunk in the waist" ...yep...one reason I like my new HWK jacket...good allowance for that tho my 20 year old Joe Rocket mesh is also okay in that regard....getting near the end stops tho..🥴

Tip on aging or stiff gloves - lanolin works wonders. Likely boots as well.
I can only wear my 15 year old alpinestar summer with the back protector out. Last season bought a new old stock helmet just for the Junk Run scooter thingy through the forest roads. Wanted cheap and full face. I figured use once and done. Scorpion EXO 500 for $50 Junk run never happen and not my style Anyone need a cheap helmet. XL in size

Have a pair of mesh riding pants that i bought over 10 years ago. Never really wear them much since it wasn't that hot, until this year. So i started riding with them again this summer. The second day i wore them i noticed a lot of black pepper on the floor at my desk at work. Then i noticed the same thing at my house near the entry. It finally dawned on me that i must be the one dropping them. Turned out the ce knee armors in them have turned into million pieces and was leaking from the pockets. Should have known better since i had an old helmet that did pretty much the same thing.

Lesson learned. Old gears are worthless for protection.
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I had an AGV Kenny Roberts replica from the 80's. I picked it up and the innards fell out. Shame...it had his signature on it.

The concern is the styrofoam, the crash layer. The plastic will last forever...but the innards...not so much. I wouldn't wear a helmet after seven years...eight is pushing it.

One AGV Kenny Roberts replica in the garbage.

As for leathers...the old school are probably better than the new. Old leathers are like wearing a cow...the thickness vs today's leathers. But you'll have to look like Captain America or Shazam with the designs.

The guy formerly known as Mladin.
All my bike gear is around 5 years old with about 40k. I wash everything quiet often...

Joe rocket mesh jacket - armor is getting very indented??

The plastic by the toes on the left shoe is too indented

Zox helmet doesn't lock properly sometimes

Next year riding season is gonna be pricey 😭😭😭
Wondered when this would catch on


A new and improved version of the MIPS brain protection system has been announced that is claimed to be the best yet
Simon Hancocks's picture

By Simon Hancocks
Wed, 3 Feb 2021

EPS is very stable and have a hard time seeing a helmet lined with it "crumble". Certainly some of the removable liner material might degrade badly but those are for the most part replaceable.
What is the expected lifetime of the expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam? Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) is essentially inert. There have been multiple studies of EPS in the soil for 15 to 30 years demonstrating only minor degradation of the EPS foam. EPS foam is expanded using steam.8 Apr 2015

I do indeed think there is a lot of self serving mythology in the helmet replacement meme ...throw it away buy more......:rolleyes:
Most high end helmets are good for about five years past the date of manufacture. ... The helmet expires because the high density foam inside your helmet dries up over time becoming hard as a rock and no longer absorbs impact in case of a crash
dry up ??? give me a break.

Here's another howler
The more you ride, the shorter yours helmets life expectancy is. The greatest long term damage to your helmet is done by the sun's UV rays.
Sure the fancy graphics might fade..my one hiviz yellow helmet shows sun fade......hardly impacts the safety.
. :coffee:
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