Opinion - Age of Protective Gear


Well-known member
Hi everyone,

So I am getting back to riding and I have a doubts about my (aged) equipment. Mostly about my helmets - they all over 10 years now, I have some expensive ones, some not so much... Not too much wear on them as I usually rotate multiple ones all the time.

Did some reading on the net and opinions are split - manufacturers definitely wants you to buy more so their "expiry timelines" are obviously shorter..
And obviously the new helmets are lighter, and tech and safety is better, of course I will get new stuff, but in the meantime the question is:

Would you personally just use it and don't sweat it?
Are you a person who has a helmet regularly used older than 10 years?
Or do you replace your helmet as Arai wants you to?

I guess you could push it if you are an infrequent rider and store your helmet in a stable out of sight place. 10 years is definitely too old for me though.

On the other hand - when I did my first track day last year, I was surprised at the age of non-helmet gear that I saw. Boots leathers etc
My current helmet, bought in '11 has a 2010 date. (arai signet Q)
It sat brand new / never used in its box until last May.
It fits perfect. I filled it up with soap & water, and washed it a week ago. Still like new.
Not throwing it out. My backup has a 2005 date. I bought replacement parts for it. Side pods were broken. (arai profile). It got a new visor last month. Not throwing out.
Boils down to personal choice / risk tolerance I'd say.
Did a "track" day last week, (Supersonic's pocket bikes on a go cart track), and they wanted full faced helmets, leathers, back protector etc.

I ride with a Schuberth C3 Pro 2018, which is modular, and my full face snells are from 2006 & 2008, so I opted to use their full face vox which they probably get for under $100.

My wife had a pair of boots from the McBride closeout sale, and the plastic simply disintegrated over the years.

If you take care of your gear and don't wear it often it will last a long time, but otherwise, it's going to have an expiry date, probably within a decade at most.

I have a 2016 helmet as a backup & a 2008 that I might use in a pinch, but I'll be looking to replace.

The ones from 2006 & 2000 need to go!


Welcome back, old-timer!
I normally get a new helmet for me every five to ten years and use my old one as a pillion helmet. That means pillions get helmets 5 to 15 years old. They arent on the bike that often
Might want to look into the lifespan of the foam inserts in your jacket and pants while your at it. Like you I've read that over time the level of protection from impact is reduced but I don't know by how much.
Might want to look into the lifespan of the foam inserts in your jacket and pants while your at it. Like you I've read that over time the level of protection from impact is reduced but I don't know by how much.
I've had some of them rot right out, or split. Everyone should pull them out and check them every once in a while.
I've had some of them rot right out, or split. Everyone should pull them out and check them every once in a while.
My wife's gear was bought in 2007. Barely used and always kept indoors in a closet. All the armour was starting to disintegrate when i checked on it last year, so it was replaced.

On the subject of helmets, I still have my 2 RF1100's purchased from Kahuna when they had the 2 for 1 sale or whatever it was. Those lids are probably 10 years old, but still appear to be in good shape. I have no clue about the protective shell however. I would not use them as a primary helmet, but still keep them for back-up use or when my face is filthy and I don't want to get my nice helmets all smelly.

My Shoei GT-Air is now 6 years old and has seen a lot of use and abuse, so I replaced it today. Scored a nice new GT-Air2 for about 40% off!
Fits my thinking
12th April, 2021 at 7:48 pm
I am currently doing a PhD in material science at university.
There is literally no science backed reason to say helmets degrade over time, provided they are stored in a cool dry, dark place.
Most resins and glues that meet the dot and EU standards will last decades before hardening and thus becoming more brittle.
What a load of sheep!
How long does polycarbonate take to degrade?

While polycarbonate has a wide range of practical applications in manufacturing, the complex chemical chains take longer to break down and can take hundreds of years to naturally decompose.
I buy for features and was quite happy to buy a used c3 fo a third the price of new to get quieter ( not sure of that ), good construction ( yep ), fog proof (indeed ) and warmer. ( yep)
Tho the visor mechanism sucked ( they claimed it was a safety feature :cautious: that it would not stay in place at speed. ). It's coming to Australia by slow boat for $30.

My original Rjays modular Australian helmet bought before anything else was legal here, was getting a bit of rust on the D-rings and latches from 10 years in the tropics. It was $159.

So bought the same model version III last month $199....what a piece of junk by comparison. Yeah internal sun visor was nice but no sound padding on the interior of the shell, noisy as hell and single latch. Back it went, cleaned up the heavier but quieter original and ordered a new visor. I think there is a lot of cost cutting and cheapening of motorcycle gear over the last decade and helmets are not immune.

Eventually I got tired of my Bell Star way back when ( life through a mail slot ) and opted for 3/4 Bell which was the quietest helmet I've owned. Was good enough for a race car driver who introduced me to it...he wore it riding as well...good enough for me. Really enjoyed that lid. Huge FoV

The convertibles gave me best of both worlds and were a welcome choice to have. Mine is up often for the shade and easy photography at slower speeds, flipped down for speed and rain/dust/debris.

IMNSHO this "change your helmet like socks" idea is mostly nonsense and ass-covering by the manufacturers....and the premium prices mostly unjustified.

There are certainly some innovative helmets out there from a feature set viewpoint... Bell Revolver comes to mind...with good tech at very reasonable price points

Interiors do degrade and I like the fact that companies like R-jays still sell interiors and visors for 10 year lids. I'd ride with one of my early Bells likely 40+ years old without a thought.
Hell wish I kept them
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I've had some of them rot right out, or split. Everyone should pull them out and check them every once in a while.
Oh yeah. All the shoulder and elbow armor in my Joe Rocket suit literally crumbled at almost the same time last year. Frankly was lucky it failed in such an obvious manner
Had someone bring a 20 year old helmet in for gear check to use on the course.
Turned it upside to look at the dot sticker, and the insides disintegrated onto the table.
Yes they'll last longer in proper conditions, but who's going to guarantee all of those conditions all of the time?

It would be interesting to have my 2000, 2006 & 2008 helmets tested to see if they'd still pass.
Fits my thinking

I was under the assumption that it was the foam/energy absorption layer that degrades, not the resin/glue or polycarb. Agreed though that helmets stored unused in a clear, dry place will last very long.
It's using it that degrades it: sweat, blazing heat, even possibly friction on and off. 5 years 100,000km is very different from 5 years 10,000km. Someone should do a study!

OPs lids are probably fine if they were stored correctly and not used a ton before.
I was under the assumption that it was the foam/energy absorption layer that degrades, not the resin/glue or polycarb. Agreed though that helmets stored unused in a clear, dry place will last very long.
It's using it that degrades it: sweat, blazing heat, even possibly friction on and off. 5 years 100,000km is very different from 5 years 10,000km. Someone should do a study!

OPs lids are probably fine if they were stored correctly and not used a ton before.
Correct. The eps liner that is crucial to protecting your brain degrades and shrinks over time. The fabric and sponge liner doesn't. It simply wears out.
Other shells made of polycarbonate are useless imho. Fiberglass or composite materials are far better but usually more expensive.
My wife's gear was bought in 2007. Barely used and always kept indoors in a closet. All the armour was starting to disintegrate when i checked on it last year, so it was replaced.

On the subject of helmets, I still have my 2 RF1100's purchased from Kahuna when they had the 2 for 1 sale or whatever it was. Those lids are probably 10 years old, but still appear to be in good shape. I have no clue about the protective shell however. I would not use them as a primary helmet, but still keep them for back-up use or when my face is filthy and I don't want to get my nice helmets all smelly.

My Shoei GT-Air is now 6 years old and has seen a lot of use and abuse, so I replaced it today. Scored a nice new GT-Air2 for about 40% off!
Shane where did you score that? Looking for a gt air2 as well

Polycarbonate vs Fiberglass vs Carbon Fiber Safety​

As far as safety goes, all 3 materials will be safe. A thermoplastic or polycarbonate motorcycle helmet like, for example, the Shark Evo-One 2 can get to the 4-5 star range from SHARP just as well as any other fiberglass or carbon fiber motorcycle helmet. In this case, it got 4 stars, which is excellent.
The main difference for safety is the helmet’s weight and the material’s behaviour in an impact. Polycarbonate is more susceptible to abrasion so you will need more of it to provide an adequate level of protection. So, as a result, you’ll end up with a heavier helmet.
But, the flip side of this is the helmet will absorb impacts across the outer shell better. So, polycarbonate performs better at lower speed impacts. Some examples of a polycarbonate helmet include the Shark Evo One 2, Nolan N87 Plus, or the HJC i90.

The article is inconclusive other than noise. I have seen poly helmets shatter into pieces. I'm not going to take the advice of someone that wishes they still had thier 40 yr old lid to wear. But that's just my opinion. Lol
Shane where did you score that? Looking for a gt air2 as well
I just happened to be on Kijiji yesterday and someone had just bought a brand new GT Air 2, didn't like it and replaced it with a really nice carbon fiber Klim helmet. He bought it from Burlington Cycle for around $1k + tax and also had an extra pinlock visor. He sold it to me for $640cash. I rode with it yesterday and it's a very nice helmet. And it's matt black - which is something I've always wanted. It's the TC-5 Emblem one.

I had been casually looking for one since I like and have been using the original GT-Air (which I happened to also score for super cheap off Kijiji- that one was $250 brand new several years ago).
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