It's kind of nice... a lot of it is repaved (mostly chip & tar) this year, in past years it was so worn that it was right down to the gravel under-pad. Don't expect too spirited a ride as it's tight, twisty, often dirty, and there are a lot of cottage and house entrances that abutt it.
Also consider Burnt Hills road. Pleasantly, you can exit Opinicon on the Lock road at #15, ride a bit down and enter Burnt Hills which will take you back to Battersea Road. And for added similar riding, you can now head North on Battersea which will take you down and even TWISTIER, TIGHTER road to California, ON and through to Jones Falls road, which has some long sweepers, then dumps you out at Jones Falls on #15.
You could easily reverse the order of those roads as long as you don't put Opinicon in the middle. Interestingly I've never done those three in sequence and now that I've thought of it, I plan to.
Watch for gravel.
For added fun, mix it so that you'll come out on #15 again (you might want to do Jones Falls or Burnt Hills again?), slog North on #15 to Crosby (#42?), turn West towards Westport and take #14 (Narrows Lock road) North right near the juncture, you'll come out on #10, which is just a bit south of Perth. Ride to Glen Tay, take the left/right jog to #7 and stop in for a coffee near the #511 or head North to Calabogie if you're in it for the whole day.