Online voting - who else has it?


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I got my voter registration info and saw I could vote online. It was a breeze - date of birth & pin code provided on the registration form and I was in. click click click - done.

No voting day silliness / no line-ups - all from the comfort of my home office. Two thumbs up.
Burlington. A little more involved than PIN + DOB, but still worth it.
Sadly not in Toronto yet. There has been a big turnout in the advanced polls in Toronto so far, 161k people vs 74k last election. I have hope that people will actually come out and vote this election.
Who wouldn't this year? You'd have to be really apathetic to your surroundings to not go this year ...
I've met a surprising number. Just convincing people to get out and vote let alone voting for me has been a challenge.
Who wouldn't this year? You'd have to be really apathetic to your surroundings to not go this year ...

I'm having trouble going to vote because the vast majority of people running in Mississauga either:
a) are overly optimistic at what they could possibly achieve
b) are overly vague and are just saying what everyone else is saying or
c) very little information is available about what they stand for

Not a single politician has knocked on my door -- yes, kids working for them have to hand out fliers, but no one actually running in my ward.

For now, all I know is who not to vote for, and that is Carolyn Parrish, who is running in my ward.
Only one of the 6 running in my ward came by (the incumbent knows better). We're the bastard step children of Ward 1.
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