online faxing?


Well-known member
Any one use any online fax app like HelloFax or FaxZero? Occasionally, like maybe once every few years I have to send a fax. Don't have a phone line any more, so don't have a fax machine either.
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I drive to a Staples store, or wait till I'm at the office. But I'm at staples a lot more than I go near my office.
I use Anveo for that.. Put $10 into my acct a couple of years ago, probably used less than $1 of it lol
Windows OS has a built-in fax capability, just need a landline to plug into your laptop/computer. Doesn't matter if it's your landline or not ;) just so long as it has a working dial-tone.
who uses faxes these days and for what?
can't you sing the document, snap a photo with your phone and email it to them?
^ lots of companies/government refuse to use email for documents because they claim it's insecure. Like fax it...
I only deal with one company at work that still faxes. Drives me crazy.

I was amazed how long it took for insurance companies to allow email instead of fax but very glad they did.
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