One of many reasons why I virtually gave up on drinking.

Two words - kick backs

someone is getting their hand greased and it isn't us
Sounds like a tradeoff, considering the LCBO has some of the best wine selection on the planet.
Sounds like a tradeoff, considering the LCBO has some of the best wine selection on the planet.

Im sure if alcohol could be sold privately, there would be plenty of places with a good wine selection. People in Alberta don't seem to have problems finding wine.
Im sure if alcohol could be sold privately, there would be plenty of places with a good wine selection. People in Alberta don't seem to have problems finding wine.

Thats not true. Ontario gets a better selection because of its massive buying power. Vintages is one of the biggest (if not the biggest) buyer of luxury wines on the planet, and its well known that their selection trumps the rest of Canada easily. I am in Alberta now and i think the selection is meh.
If you're in Calgary, Willow Park has a pretty good wine selection. Goes without saying, JimBob's liquor in Three Hills probably doesn't.

I'm not sure about the practical and the numbers involved. In principle, if anything in the world should be taxed, liquor is pretty high up on that list. Think about the social cost - the number of fights, domestic police calls, drunk tank visits, traffic accidents, unintended pregnancies and STD transmissions...

Again, I doubt the money actually goes there but in principle I have nothing against pay-per-use taxation. I've also made an effort to reduce my consumption.

EDIT: I just re-read the article and I temper my stance a little. Sounds like the LCBO runs a pretty socialist business.
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I didn't actively give up drinking, but i barely drink anymore. I like a beer now and then but I could probably count the beers I've had this year without taking my pants off.

I do know that the LCBO is a statistical outlier when it comes to profit margins and general business practices. Must be nice.
EDIT: I just re-read the article and I temper my stance a little. Sounds like the LCBO runs a pretty socialist business.

I dont really drink much anymore. A drink or two in the evening but I dont like getting drunk... The hangover is not worth it to me.
I'm not crazy about the LCBO business model, like any government run organization there is usually room for improvement .

That said, the largest component of retail price is tax, privatization would not eliminate tax. There is simply too much revenue for the province to ever consider it. The global buying power, bolstered by the fact they can write a purchase order with rock solid credit gives them tremendous leverage with vendors. To establish a store front with anything like the inventory of LCBO would be no small task, I cant see it happening, and i can't see retail prices being any less.
I dont enjoy paying $26.00 for a bottle I know is $9.25 @ premier liquors in NY state, but with import taxes its not really a huge savings to go out of province.
taxes and all we don't drink any less wine around here.....
The story screams kickbacks.

Is alcohol cheaper in Quebec and Manitoba? I haven't shopped in either.
Why would we want the LCBO to "browbeat" its suppliers? (especially the local ones)

Good on them for not trying to screw everyone in the supply chain and holllow-out the industry all for the sake of "lower prices"
Does that mean the Beer store is an exception?
Big bro knows what's best, shut up and pay and don't try to make sense of the situation...this is Ontario.
I dont really drink much anymore. A drink or two in the evening but I dont like getting drunk... The hangover is not worth it to me.

Same here. A beer with dinner and maybe one to sip on through the evening.
I drink a lot. I hate the LCBO and the Beer Store with their captive market. And now we hear that those with the captive market aren't even maximising profits to justify their exclusivity? Socialism gone mad.

I'll continue to buy from Quebec when I'm there. Hopefully i'll help fill one or two pot holes on the T-Can.

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