Anyone know someone in the GTA who is good with pans and shovels? I'm having no luck with everyone I try. I don't want to use heavy duty so they are out
Not a lot of people have experience with that stuff. Everyone at the dealers work on Evo and most are too young to remember pans and shovels. Lol. Let me know what you need I have some experience and may be able to help
Just curious - why not Heavy Duty?
Did you try Jason Parker Racing?
this guy works on older harleys
Go see Greg at Jacox HD. he works on the old stuff like that in his garage
He built a porsche motor for a buddy of mine, he specializes in old Harley stuff.... oh, and he's the head instructor at Centennial College for the engines program. Does all his own machining.
Brent has forgotten more about engines and machining than I will probably ever know.