Old Crap Bike


New member
Im 25 years old. Just picked up a bike.
Its a beated down 89 Suzuki intruder 750 to learn on.

I'll need to get my M1 this spring and get insurance so I can learn and do the m2 and m.

I do have my G and had to for 5 years.(hamilton) Clean record.
Problem is my car is insured under my parents name (belair) none of them ride.

It feels like there's no real way to learn unless you have a decent income.
My bike is worth about 20$ if that.

I see all these quotes that are over 3000$ a year.
I dont get it. Its a cruiser.

Am I doing something wrong?

I could use some guesstimates before starting to call in.
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The only advice I can give you is to do the M1 test in the Spring and sign up for a rider training course to do your M2. It is money well spent and will save you some money in the long run on insurance. Then you go to insurance brokers in person with all your documentation and try to get a quote. I had a 750 Intruder way back when. They are great bikes but you might want to start out on a cheap 250 something because a 750 is in a higher insurance bracket already. Good Luck!
Call Katherine - (866) 930-1221 - Tell her Crazy Jamie sent you for the best price. Given what you explained, she should be able to give you a SMOKIN rate, that you can pay monthly, on your credit card even!

-Jamie M.
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