Ok is it just a lot more windy this year? | GTAMotorcycle.com

Ok is it just a lot more windy this year?

No you're just riding this year instead of constantly trying to fix a bike.
No you're just riding this year instead of constantly trying to fix a bike.
Are you riding outside the city, cause the wind gusts are pretty strong, I practically have to lean into it. It's crazy!
Are you riding outside the city, cause the wind gusts are pretty strong, I practically have to lean into it. It's crazy!
Yes, it has been a bit windy lately, but you're new bike is also much higher up, probably getting some parachute aerodynamic affect
Ow! Today's grass is far sharper than the grass in my day.

Or is it just me?
Sees to be a lot more windy with strong gusts.
I find that the weather changes tend to be more extreme and certainly more windy days as one system blows in our out of the area. But I also find myself outside more so that could be part of it....
As someone spending time standing on the lot all day...YES. I've had to start taping the cones to the ground for the exam. Otherwise they get blown down the lot.

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