The mentality of cops here (and even more-so in the states) is appalling.
I've dealt with cops all through Asia and in a few countries in Europe, and from what I've seen those cops had a much better sense of what 'protect and serve' really means.
I am a 30-something professional, married, home-owner, no record at all, etc etc.... and just last year I was cuffed and thrown in the back of a cop car simply for being in a parking lot outside of a bar at 2am. I was waiting for my buddy who was going to drive me home. I was a drunk, but not disorderly. They threatened to throw me in the drunk tank for 12 hours or call and wake up my 78 year old dad to come get me for nothing. In the end I reasoned with them and they ended up just driving me home, but talk about over-reacting from a bunch of mid-20 year old cops. Way way too militaristic around here.