Now this is what interaction with police should be like...


Well-known member
That cop should be the Supreme Chief training instructor for north america. :cool:
Under normal circumstances he would have been tasered, tenderized then handcuffed and jailed. Left to rot a few days to see a judge for resisting arrest and pointing a gun at officers.
i didnt know you are not required to even identify yourself! cool vid.

I am QUITE sure you do have to identify yourself here in Canada.
You don't have to provide ID, but you do have to identify yourself, I think to ANYONE that asks.
It makes me nervous just to take my shotgun out of my truck and down the driveway in to the house while it's in it's case in the chance someone sees me and calls the cops. Even tho it's 100% legit I just don't want the f-n hassle.

Would be awesome to be able to do something like take the bike to the trap range without being called on and pulled over, harassed etc.
I am QUITE sure you do have to identify yourself here in Canada.
You don't have to provide ID, but you do have to identify yourself, I think to ANYONE that asks.
I agree as well .......... I think most people don't realize, YOU BRING ON A NEGATIVE REACTION (usually in the first 10 seconds) JUST BY BEING STANDOFFISH IN YOUR GREETING. Most cops decide the outcome of a stop in that short of a time frame. If you choose to be a dick, expect a less than positive outcome (no matter how cool your friends think you are for the big talk). Have your ID and Ins ready and get on with it ........ you'd be surprised how well it works to be the nice guy for a change!!!
Cheers, Sadz.
Nice cop? Maybe? But for sure a smart one without anger issues. He knew as soon he saw the camera he knew the guy with the gun was just some punk with too much time on his hands.
I am QUITE sure you do have to identify yourself here in Canada.
You don't have to provide ID, but you do have to identify yourself, I think to ANYONE that asks.

Nah, not if you are just walking around on the street. Driving/riding is something else, ( and other licenced activities i can't name them all such as carrying a firearm.)
Our local police forces should take note, this is how you treat a roadside stop.

and after my recent roadside stop a few weeks ago where I received a ticket for doing nothing wrong, I'm done being 'nice'
Our local police forces should take note, this is how you treat a roadside stop.

and after my recent roadside stop a few weeks ago where I received a ticket for doing nothing wrong, I'm done being 'nice'

Please keep in mind that this guy isn't driving. The law regarding stopping someone walking around and driving/riding is completely different.
I don't know... Something seems off about that. If it was legit, then yeah, very cool cop.

Most cops I've come across are total *****, but this has to be the coolest cop I've ever seen. even if the video was staged, I still like the idea that there is at least one cool cop like that out there:)
kinda hard to stage it when a second cruiser pulls up on the other side of the road and a LEO gets out and the guy tells him its cool.

Its simple, this cop signed up to do what it says on the side of the cruisers. Serve and protect. To uphold the laws even if he doesnt agree with them. And most importantly, to keep his ego at home. I think 90% of the problem is that. Someone mouths off to the cop or "fail the attitude test" and blamo, they feel the need to "teach the perp a lesson"
That video made me uncomfortable, like it could have gone the other way at any second. It ended well, but the guy was definitely being uncooperative (not rude, though). I dunno, maybe I'm just imagining being spotted by an OPP officer while carrying a gun - that would go differently.

Wait, I think I figured out what was so weird about this - it was in California, the least gun-friendly place in the US. It seemed odd that he was carrying an unloaded gun, and why the cop checked for that.
Police have the right to pull you over are request for your ID under the HTA. So plz do not try this.

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