Not a Bike.. but looking to have some questions answered about car mods... |

Not a Bike.. but looking to have some questions answered about car mods...


Well-known member
I have the bike insured under TD and extremely pleased with their rates. SO my bike insurance is fine... I am considering adding a supercharger to my car, and I'd rather not mention it to my ins co. until I have done some research and know whether it would be a bad idea to do so insurance wise...

Any ins expert be willing to converse with me to let me know how i go about it, or if i should even bother...?

If the ins co will drop my policy and send me to facility I won't bother adding the SC, but I'd like some advice.

toyota Yaris
Oh is that what an insurance agent would say to me?
Yes a Blitz clutched SC
Cool upgrade...I'd do a turbcharger first, but that's me.........however any insurance company that doesn't insure "speecialty cars" would drop you lie abad habit if you told them you were addng a perfomance modification that was going to add 50% more power to your car, that was also not going to add better brakes and suspension to cope with the added power as well. The risk factor from their end wouldn't be worth it.
Before doing a mod likea SuperCharger, contact your insurance company FIRST to see if they will insure it. In my experience, I have never seen a standard insurer who will agree to write a vehicle with a supercharger added -- this vehicle would go straight to Facility. If you simply don't tell your insurer, then you are misrepresenting your risk and future claims can be denied.

I suggest that instead of supercharging your Yaris, you just buy a more powerful car :p
Before doing a mod likea SuperCharger, contact your insurance company FIRST to see if they will insure it. In my experience, I have never seen a standard insurer who will agree to write a vehicle with a supercharger added -- this vehicle would go straight to Facility. If you simply don't tell your insurer, then you are misrepresenting your risk and future claims can be denied.

I suggest that instead of supercharging your Yaris, you just buy a more powerful car :p

Thats kinda what I expected. The beauty of the blitz on the Yaris is you can actually turn it off or set the level of power it adds, so when just commuting it can be in econo mode (no power boost) and when messing aboot it can be set to high. Which btw is around 30-40% power boost, still less than a current model year civic or even the new Accent...

I've got the bike for the more go fast stuff, and its likely not too far behind the yaris in power, better mileage, and half the price to insure..

Yaris already has all the suspension mods it needs, and the damn thing is available with similar power in other parts of the world, just not NA.
Thats kinda what I expected. The beauty of the blitz on the Yaris is you can actually turn it off or set the level of power it adds, so when just commuting it can be in econo mode (no power boost) and when messing aboot it can be set to high. Which btw is around 30-40% power boost, still less than a current model year civic or even the new Accent...

I've got the bike for the more go fast stuff, and its likely not too far behind the yaris in power, better mileage, and half the price to insure..

Yaris already has all the suspension mods it needs, and the damn thing is available with similar power in other parts of the world, just not NA.

I suggest that you just leave the Yaris alone . . . even a fast Yaris is a slow Yaris compared to your bike. Enjoy the fast bike and put up with the slow and fuel efficient car . . . it's really not worth the insurance headache.

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