Noise camera? Really

They have serious problems and you can beat the ticket if you bring up the right things in court. They mainly exist as a scam to hook politicians into spending six figures of taxpayer money on a folly. Afaik, all of the noise cameras have been cash up front but the speed cameras are happy with a percentage of the earnings. I wonder why?
They have serious problems and you can beat the ticket if you bring up the right things in court. They mainly exist as a scam to hook politicians into spending six figures of taxpayer money on a folly. Afaik, all of the noise cameras have been cash up front but the speed cameras are happy with a percentage of the earnings. I wonder why?
If the dollars don't/can't workout and the charges can't stick that's a serious and separate issue, but I don't have a problem with targeted enforcement.

I travelled through Ottawa going to Gatineau twice last year and each time I got a photo radar generated ticket for 60 and 62 in a 50. It seems to me to be a chintzy ticket, but I got the message and will avoid that route or piddle along at 40 just to be safe.
If the dollars don't/can't workout and the charges can't stick that's a serious and separate issue, but I don't have a problem with targeted enforcement.

I travelled through Ottawa going to Gatineau twice last year and each time I got a photo radar generated ticket for 60 and 62 in a 50. It seems to me to be a chintzy ticket, but I got the message and will avoid that route or piddle along at 40 just to be safe.
I'm not disagreeing with targeting enforcement (if set at a reasonable threshold). This specific way of conducting enforcement has major issues. In short, like the old days of radar where the number shown would sometimes be from a different vehicle, if someone is exceedingly loud far away, there is a chance that the ticket goes to the person that is close as that's the one the camera saw. In a group, distinguishing between vehicles is almost impossible. Two vehicles in different directions are possible to distinguish if they do the math but I'm not sure any of the cameras bother. Distance to camera makes a huge difference on measured sound level, are they looking for an exceedance at the camera or trying to use math to back this up to a standard distance? Nothing is insurmountable but the camera companies just need things good enough to get money from municipalities. In practice, a split system (say on two consecutive light poles) has many advantages and a higher chance of properly isolating the offending vehicle. Afaik, nobody sells a system like that.
It’s a slippery slope when you allow allow that level of surveillance and power by your own government. In China that fine would have been removed from his bank account/social credit score before he got home and parked his bike. Is that the kind of world you want?
It’s a slippery slope when you allow allow that level of surveillance and power by your own government. In China that fine would have been removed from his bank account/social credit score before he got home and parked his bike. Is that the kind of world you want?
I’m currently on an extended holiday in the Southwest States and it’s allowed me to catch up on read my reading. Next book on the list is George Orwell’s “1984”. I’ll let you know how it ends.
It’s a slippery slope when you allow allow that level of surveillance and power by your own government. In China that fine would have been removed from his bank account/social credit score before he got home and parked his bike. Is that the kind of world you want?
What power? Slapping the aholes? I'm ok with that. Again, proper thresholds and proper use of data and I don't mind it. Some people truly believe they should be allowed to do whatever they want no matter how many tens of thousands of people they negatively effect.
Within reason but how does does doing a nice wheelie down your street or or the occasional burnout harm anyone? In the ‘70’s leaving your buddies house and doing a nice 2 or 3 gear wheelie on your Kawasaki H2 was standard operating procedure, no harm no foul. I fear this generation will never experience that pleasure.
Within reason but how does does doing a nice wheelie down your street or or the occasional burnout harm anyone? In the ‘70’s leaving your buddies house and doing a nice 2 or 3 gear wheelie on your Kawasaki H2 was standard operating procedure, no harm no foul. I fear this generation will never experience this pleasure.
Talk to the people that live near rosedale valley road. 99% of the time it's pretty quiet. Hundreds of times per night, someone is banging a bike off the limiter on RVR or DVP. If they had a functional muffler, most people wouldn't even know they were out having fun. Sadly, the people doing a wheelie/burnout and the loud exhaust/look at me crowd are substantially overlapped.
What power? Slapping the aholes? I'm ok with that. Again, proper thresholds and proper use of data and I don't mind it. Some people truly believe they should be allowed to do whatever they want no matter how many tens of thousands of people they negatively effect.

This isn't interfering with our rights in any way, and if you're truly concerned with surveillance, or surveillance capitalism (depending on your ideological bent) then the devices we're using to access and respond to this needs to go in the dumpster (or shredder).

This isn't Chinese level surveillance or cashless society social standing as exists in Chinese cities. This is a combination of a level of government trying to gain revenue and enforce a bylaw through a potentially easy, possibly indiscriminate and therefore dubious, and likely ineffective initiative.
Within reason but how does does doing a nice wheelie down your street or or the occasional burnout harm anyone? In the ‘70’s leaving your buddies house and doing a nice 2 or 3 gear wheelie on your Kawasaki H2 was standard operating procedure, no harm no foul. I fear this generation will never experience that pleasure.
I had a friend in the early/mid eighties who had a 750 triple with Wirges expansion chambers and the obligatory "drop" bars. He was a reliable source of wheelies and rapid departures but the sound/noise level from that bike, even at full-on hooligan was much quieter than what I hear today from the squid bikes, the cruisers or the high dollar Ducati's that pass my house on weekends.
I had a friend in the early/mid eighties who had a 750 triple with Wirges expansion chambers and the obligatory "drop" bars. He was a reliable source of wheelies and rapid departures but the sound/noise level from that bike, even at full-on hooligan was much quieter than what I hear today from the squid bikes, the cruisers or the high dollar Ducati's that pass my house on weekends.
Also with the dodgy suspension and brakes, hooligans couldn't stay in it as long. A quick hit was enough to release the poop and then back to calm riding.
You guys obviously didn't grow up in Scarborough. If you tried to bang off your rev limiter on an H2 (there wasn’t one) you would end up with a blown head gasket and a puddle of oil and gears at your feet. Those things were about as disposable as a Bic lighter, that’s the reason there are so few left. A ‘72 (best year) just sold at the Mecum Auction for $35,000 US.
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You guys obviously didn't grow up in Scarborough. If you tried to bang off your rev limiter on an H2 (there wasn’t one) you would end up with a blown head gasket and a puddle of oil and gears at your feet. Those things were about as disposable as a Bic lighter, that’s the reason there are so few left. A ‘72 (best year) just sold at the Mecum Auction for $35,000 US.
Meh if memory serves stockish they flattened out on top with little joy in completely wringing them out.
Keeping one on the pipe was a rush tho.
Paul Gast inspired a bunch of drag racers to buy up most of the available used stock in the mid 80's and forward that helped deplete the market some too.
Meh if memory serves stockish they flattened out on top with little joy in completely wringing them out.
Keeping one on the pipe was a rush tho.
Yes they definitely had their sweet spot, the power came on hard an fast and dropped off the same way. My brother had a ‘72 with J&R chambers ,3 seperate K&N filters and carbs dialed in by someone that knew how. Huge improvement over stock.
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