No currently validated permit |

No currently validated permit


King of GTAM
Site Supporter
(This is the first time I've noticed that "Check If Already Posted" button. Brilliant! However there is no apparent previous answer to this question)

I'm pretty sure I won't be contesting this ticket. Got a ticket for driving motor vehicle without a validated permit. ("Drive motor vehicle, no currently validated permit.") The HTA section is illegible (looks like 700(a) which doesn't make any sense). All I want to know is, are there any potential short or long term implications to paying it? It does seem like it's a moving violation but I'm not sure if insurance would care about this one in particular. Will it appear on my driver's abstract?

I will make sure I get the paperwork for my bike in order ASAP. :D
HTA 7(1)(a).

Not sure I follow your question re; implications of paying it but it's an absolute liability charge meaning that if it's proven that it wasn't valid at the time of the incident then there's no way chance of an acquittal.

It will show up on your abstract.
HTA 7(1)(a).

Not sure I follow your question re; implications of paying it but it's an absolute liability charge meaning that if it's proven that it wasn't valid at the time of the incident then there's no way chance of an acquittal.

It will show up on your abstract.

This tells me 70% of what I need to know, thanks. I will rephrase the question in the insurance forum.

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