Night it Up (Asian Night Market) |

Night it Up (Asian Night Market)

Hey guys,

Anyone down to go to Night it Up?
It's an asian night market with tons of food basically and it's up at Markham Civic Centre.
Here is the event's site:

It starts tomorrow (Friday July 13th at 7:00 pm and run's until Sunday night.)

I was thinking maybe meet up at around 6pm tomorrow (Friday) somewhere (16th and Bayview's Timmies?) and then head over to the event.

Any suggestions/thoughts?
Sounds cool, I'd totally be in. 6 might be a bit early for me since I'm getting home around that time from work. If it's pushed back to 7 I can join in for the ride if not I'll catch yall at the event.
Sounds cool, is it anything like the T&T Waterfront Night Market? I'd be down to check it out.
yea, we can push it to 7. besides, it starts at 7. probably won't get busy 'til like 9-10 anyways. we can even push it later... but then i'll probably be hungry by then and there should be tons of food there.
Be very alert, riding in Markham during the daytime is a challenge enough much less riding at night.
I didn't realize there was asian night markets here! Are they every weekend?
i'll be interested as well,

but will be in port dover for the day, so no idea what time i'll be arriving back, if i'm back early, i'm there, if not, catch ya then...
i'd be down if you push it to 8. 7pm is still kinda early.

did you have an idea where to park the bikes?
No, they're not every weekend. They're every year. lol well, this one is anyways. there are other night markets in toronto i'm sure.

In terms of time to meet. let's say 8:00 to meet up for now at the timmies at bayview and 16th. (they have free wifi! =) ). meet up, chit chat, wait for people, then head over to the night market. i'm sure we can find parking there..
can we do woodbine/16? i'm on the eaaaaaaaaaast end of markham at 9th and 14th....
Sure. there's a timmies there right? I want to grab an Ice Capp while we wait for people. it's supposed to be a nice day tomorrow as well.
I'm a maybe for this. I have a service guy coming to check something out at my place between 5-9 tonight ugh.

If an RC51 pulls up, it's me.

When I was back in Vancouver 6 years ago, there was one pretty much every week in the summer. I used to go all the time to eat food, buy some knock-off stuff lol.

I'd like to go, but I'm going up north. Ah... the timing.

For those of you going, be careful of Markham drivers lol - no stereotyping, just stating the fact.
you can't compare HK night markets to Canada's... :p

An Avg day in HK (people wise) you will NEVER see that many in Canada (even on special events) people don't gather like that.

Damn I miss HK. I would go back for the shopping alone! If only the flight duration wasn't so agonizing.
I was at a night market a few yrs ago in hk , the food was way better then here however the stinky tofu smelt the same

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