Nick O'Leary (Jack Nicklaus' grandson) crash vid

A good question would be: Where was the car heading?
Drivers found at fault for accidents like this should have similar consequences as HTA 172 (if not wose) :mad:
I don't understand how this collision could not be avoided. Sure, the car shouldn't have pulled out, but why couldn't the rider stop in time? Seemed to be plenty of room if he was paying attention. Or maybe he was travelling to fast to be able to react in time?
Rider was going pretty quick. If you watch carefully, his back tire is in the air before he hits so he is hard on the brakes, it's harder to tell how long it took him to start braking once the car started moving.
A good question would be: Where was the car heading?

I'd like to know too. He seemed to be going straight but there was nowhere for him to go.!?!

And that looked more like excessive speed than SMIDSY.
I don't understand where the car was going. Road is two way and yet the driver has turned right and proceeded over the centre line.
A good question would be: Where was the car heading?

To pick up the kid off the bus? Looked like the kid was (briefly) walking towards the car. Still doesn't make any sense and glad the rider is ok.
Rider wearing a hoodie with arms rolled, I'm assuming a bad case of road rash and hopefully nothing more serious. As for the accident, a mix of speed and experience could be the problem. Rider should have seen the car pulling out or at least assumed the worst case scenario. I find riding as if I'm invisible helps avoid many troublesome run ins.
Speed kills, such force indicated rider was going way too fast and couldn't stop for that car with that distance.... and where the hell was that car heading?? doing U- turn??
Turns out she was crossing the street to get that guy coming off the bus. I figure the biker was doing at least 90 in a 30 zone.
so he was doing an U-turn in front of that bus to pick up that kid? what a dumb ***!
Rider wearing a hoodie with arms rolled, I'm assuming a bad case of road rash and hopefully nothing more serious. As for the accident, a mix of speed and experience could be the problem. Rider should have seen the car pulling out or at least assumed the worst case scenario. I find riding as if I'm invisible helps avoid many troublesome run ins.

According to reports, he walked away unscathed.
so he was doing an U-turn in front of that bus to pick up that kid? what a dumb ***!

No, she was parked in the side road waiting for him to come off. She pulled out when it was clear but the rider was below the dip in the road.
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