Newbie Looking for a Bike

I haven't looked at the links, but what does your insurance think?
I liked the second n third link... make sure they are with safety included and recently ridden so you don't spend a bunch of money trying to get it safety.
Thanks! I'm not sure of the steps in getting insurance. Should I call the companies for quotes first or do it after I've been in contact with the bike owners?
I'd suggest calling at least six different insurance companies. You'll get six different quotes....

I like the 500 Virago, but then I'm a bit biased. A high school buddy of mine bought one Brand new
in 1985. I never lusted after a bike as much as that one.
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No, first call insurance. Insurance will ask for the Make, model, year, and the cc. Have the kijiji ad ready so you can read off it.

Generally the bikes you posted should have low premiums, since they are old/ cruisers. Look for the newest bike of the bunch, and lowest km. The problem with old bikes are wiring/ electrical problems that come with age.
Quick get on this Bandit before its sold! Check the bike out, offer $2000 and negotiate from there. Cheap on insurance + its a sweet inline 4 motor.

Thanks for the tip. Contacted the seller. They're on vacation right now but I will be checking out the bike with them when they come back.

Going to contact insurance companies tomorrow about this make and model.
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