Newbie in Hamilton


Active member
So I've succumbed to the midlife crisis thing (so says the wife). Bought a bike in December and have been riding it since early April. Lurking on this forum for the same amount of time. Learned a lot and laughed a lot. Will be posting some newbie tech questions in the near future. Hope to hear from some of you. (Be Nice) :)
Welcome, see you around!

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Never admit to living in Hamilton.

It's like admitting you have leprosy or the clap.
LOL Hamilton's not so bad, as long as you avoid Barton St, and King. oh and Main. and... damnit.....
... Most of lower Hamilton in that case. Haha

Sent from my LT15i using Tapatalk
Welcome aboard!
Midlife crisis... I'm on my 4th (LOL). Welcome and Enjoy!
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