New to this forum!!


Hello everyone!! I am new to this forum I live in Brampton. I would like to meet new people, hang out go out for a nice ride on a nice day always ready for a nice ride!!! so when ever you guys are ready just give me a shout. I have been riding since I was 12 years old started on a dirt bike and move on to street bikes, I'v been at TMP or Toronto Motorsport Park Cayuga twice, 2010, 2012 and I love it!!!:D thinking of going back again this September but it might be Mosport this time. Hope to see you guys on the roads of Toronto and once again always ready to ride, be safe and Ride safe!!! cheers.
A very nice Welcome!
Welcome! Mosport all the way... if you have got a fat wallet. :D
Welcome. Keep an eye on the rides section and you'll find lots of us to ride with :thumbup:

Sent from my commodore 64 on dial up
welcome!!! ahh..Mosport and the Toronto Prelude club were the days!!!!
thank you everyone for the warm welcome!!! I hope we can all meet up one of this days n go out for a nice ride!! thanks Roomie for the tip ill keep an eye!
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