Hi I'm a brand new rider and still trying to learn more bout maintentance for my vehicle. I know from the course a month ago that we should check our chain if it feels tacky. It did until today and I found the chain facing up is feeling a bit dry. What chain luber should I use?? And I recall the instructor using a spray luber and just spraying the chain but can't remember if he was facing it away or towards him....so 3 questions
1) what is the exact name of the bottle(mind you I'm a girl and never done anything to my car but bring it in for experts to look at it)
2) where can I buy it? Can I go to Canadian tires or Walmart??
3) the procedure of application even if it's straight forward, it's my first time doing it so I'd like to make sure I'm not doing the no-nos
1) what is the exact name of the bottle(mind you I'm a girl and never done anything to my car but bring it in for experts to look at it)
2) where can I buy it? Can I go to Canadian tires or Walmart??
3) the procedure of application even if it's straight forward, it's my first time doing it so I'd like to make sure I'm not doing the no-nos