New rider looking for riding friends |

New rider looking for riding friends


New member
Hello, I am a new rider with a new bike, looking to go for rides in the Alliston/Shelburne area. If anyone knows of any groups or interested people, please contact me. Thanks!! :D
Hi there, I live in Angus, do alot of riding through Creemore and that whole area. Also check out "Barrie/huronia rolling thunder" it's a riding club, free to join, regular group rides at least twice a week. All makes and models, almost 200 members so there's always someone to ride with. They use an app called meetup to keep in touch, very easy to use. I've been a little busy lately, but if we can plan a ride, it'd be great. Could always meet up and ride into Barrie to do a ride with the guys there.;)
Not sure how "new" you are, but you should practice by yourself first. Riding in a group is much more dangerous, especially in a group of new riders. I've been in a group ride where the first guy goes wide on a turn, then the next guy target fixated at the guy going wide, he ended up following his tracks and go wide also. Luckily no oncoming car around that blind turn otherwise, it would have been really bad.
I definitely agree with "sonyminidiscman". Group riding can be extremely dangerous if you are a new rider and riding with others that may have some bad habits. Do a few rides on your own, build up your confidence and find others at a similar skill level as yourself. Many times new riders join a group ride and ride outside their skill level to either look cool or keep up with the pace which may not always end well.

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