New Rider looking for bike!


Active member
Hey, Im in the same boat as you. I got my M1 and I just bought my first bike, Its an 82 Yamaha 650 Seca. Called around to get insurance but most places dont insure older bikes. I called Jevco and got a quote for about $3500 for the year. I then found a state farm agent who insured me for $1400 for the year. So i would recommend you call your local state farm agent to get a quote.
For insurance it really pays to shop around. Check out some of the online quote sites like TD insurance etc. Then start phoning agents. The rates you pay vary wildly depending upon your age, the age and displacement of the bike, whether the bike is considered sport, standard, cruiser etc. Then the phase of the moon and sun spot activity needs to get counted in for the unpredictable factor.

A 450 Honda is a nice starter bike, can't go wrong there so long as everything checks out. If you have a friend who knows bikes, get them to have a look with you.
Unfortunetly I just moved here last week and don't know anybody lol I'm pretty terrible with anything vehicle related. BUT if someone on here who knows a little something about motorcycles wants to hop on for a ride with me for a case a beer, I'd be pretty happy :)
I'm paying $40/mn to ridersplus to insure my Honda rebel 250 here in Burlington. I have no idea if that's a good rate or not but they were super nice easy to work with. I know that I should have shopped around but I didn't really have time.
I guess my point was that I choose my bike partially based on the fact that it would be easy to insure.
some of the small insurance brokers may have different rating guide and yes calling around helps. i spent a good time asking questions ahah.

and what i found out is that most older bikes will only be offered liability and thats it. or you'd have to get it appraised to get other coverage. it may be different if your bike categorized as antique or collectors than just plainly 'old' (20+yrs?).

and while im at it, i have a brand new hjc helmet and a new ctek charger up for sale :)

If you're buying such an old bike, be prepared to wrench a lot if you are handy or go to the garage quite often. IMHO, for the first bike, I'd buy something new and small rather than something that will require more time in the garage than time on the road.
Well I took a ride yesterday to go see it. Bike looks great, sounds good. Guess my only worry is what ViperZ said and with such an old bike, but I figure with it being a Honda, there should be plenty of old parts and mechanics around to help.

Called Meloche Monnex, my current insurance provider for a quote on the bike. As soon as I gave them the year, they denied me right away. So I'll be calling State Farm on Monday about switching everything over.
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