Hello all,
I recently got my M1 and just finished a basic training course at Georgian College in Barrie. I get to hand them the envelope to get my M2 on November 25. I am really excited to get going in the Spring. I don't have a bike yet, but I am looking and getting rough estimates on insurance quotes from all over. I still have to call State Farm, but as of right now, it seems like I will be insured by either RidersPlus, Jevco, or StateFarm.
Starting with a street bike will be a bit more expensive, but after a couple years of riding, I am thinking of taking a racing course. That said, I would like to be familiar with the power and handling. I am thinking somewhere between a 400-650. Then again, anything over 500 and the insurance really starts to increase.
Well that is a little about me, time to go read some threads.
I recently got my M1 and just finished a basic training course at Georgian College in Barrie. I get to hand them the envelope to get my M2 on November 25. I am really excited to get going in the Spring. I don't have a bike yet, but I am looking and getting rough estimates on insurance quotes from all over. I still have to call State Farm, but as of right now, it seems like I will be insured by either RidersPlus, Jevco, or StateFarm.
Starting with a street bike will be a bit more expensive, but after a couple years of riding, I am thinking of taking a racing course. That said, I would like to be familiar with the power and handling. I am thinking somewhere between a 400-650. Then again, anything over 500 and the insurance really starts to increase.
Well that is a little about me, time to go read some threads.