New member from Scarberia


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Hey everybody, I'm a lifelong rider but new to this forum. Sitting at home, bummed about the weather, looking at MC classifieds and ended up here. Figured I'd join and see what other like-minded people in the GTA are up to. I'm still hoping to get out a few more times this season (love the heated gear!) usually ride until the snow flies. :D You?
Welcome to the forum. No heated gear here, the weather for this week looks more than acceptable. Starts cool on Monday then warms up to 8C. Unfortunately, I only use it during the week to commute, will keep commuting 'til the snow flies as well.
Welcome if the weather is acceptable, (for me that means above 3 degrees and no rain), then I will ride. Once the first application of salt or brine goes down the bike goes away. With todays electronics on bikes I won't ride, plus I keep my bikes for many years. Last bike I retired in 1012 was a 1991. Not risking corrosion etc for the sake of saying wow I rode when there was salt and sand on the road. Bike doesn't come out until road salt and sand are washed away either in the spring.
Welcome to the abandoned land. Come on in child, take my hand. Here there's no work or play, Only one bill to pay.
There's just five words to say, As you go down, down, down.. welcome to the forum guy.
Welcome to the forum! Just garaged my R6 at Kahuna Powersports so I know these feels. I got chastised in the parking lot for putting it away so early....oh well, NO REGRETS.
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