New helmet: integrated Bluetooth?


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Hi Everyone,

I'm in the market for a new helmet this season and I'm trying to find something with an integrated Bluetooth system. I'm planning a Deal's Gap trip this year and I'd rather not have to listen to the voices in my head; I'm sick of their nonsense.

So far I've only come across the Sena helmets but those unfortunately don't have a built-in sunvisor, which is a huge drawback for me.

Is there anything else on the market that would have both a sunvisor and Bluetooth?

I've seen a Shoei model that can accept some sort of Sena system but that just increases the price tag on an already expensive helmet.

I do have a a standalone Bluetooth headset (actually two) but I can never seem to manage to find an ideal placement for the speakers and the microphone is always getting in the way.
Hi Everyone,

I'm in the market for a new helmet this season and I'm trying to find something with an integrated Bluetooth system. I'm planning a Deal's Gap trip this year and I'd rather not have to listen to the voices in my head; I'm sick of their nonsense.

So far I've only come across the Sena helmets but those unfortunately don't have a built-in sunvisor, which is a huge drawback for me.

Is there anything else on the market that would have both a sunvisor and Bluetooth?

I've seen a Shoei model that can accept some sort of Sena system but that just increases the price tag on an already expensive helmet.

I do have a a standalone Bluetooth headset (actually two) but I can never seem to manage to find an ideal placement for the speakers and the microphone is always getting in the way.

The Schubert C4Pro is the most elegant solution. Supposedly a 15 second affair to drop in the battery and control unit into the relevant slots in the helmet. Pretty cheap too for the actual comms unit if you buy from a European site, around $200 CDN or less (plus 400ish for the helmet). I just went through this process and priced everything up. I went a slightly different route and got a Nexx helmet that is set up for integrated comms but there’s a little fitting involved but only 10 minutes or so. Can discuss here or I can point you to the sites and prices via pm if you like. I went with Chromeburner as I’ve had a very very decent experience with them so far on another helmet and some of the other sites use DHL where the chance of being dinged with fees is higher.
Schuberth C5 is out now. Supposed to be improved over the C3 which was better then the C4. No experience from me just what I've been recently researching. Cheaper from FC Moto and they actually have stock unlike the local online dealers who have next to nothing at present.
Hi Everyone,

I'm in the market for a new helmet this season and I'm trying to find something with an integrated Bluetooth system. I'm planning a Deal's Gap trip this year and I'd rather not have to listen to the voices in my head; I'm sick of their nonsense.

So far I've only come across the Sena helmets but those unfortunately don't have a built-in sunvisor, which is a huge drawback for me.

Is there anything else on the market that would have both a sunvisor and Bluetooth?

I've seen a Shoei model that can accept some sort of Sena system but that just increases the price tag on an already expensive helmet.

I do have a a standalone Bluetooth headset (actually two) but I can never seem to manage to find an ideal placement for the speakers and the microphone is always getting in the way.

Yeah, the pros of having it integrated is that everything is tucked in nice and neat, speakers, mic and controls.

However, the big con is that the OEM comms become dated quite quickly. Unless you're buying a helmet from a comms manufacturer, which is a whole separate can of worms in itself... like going to a steak restaurant and ordering seafood.

For integrated comms, any helmet manufacturer that offers a modular touring helmet will also offer OEM comms. Schuberth has the SRC, Nolan has the N-Com, Nexx has the X-Com. All three of these are rebranded Senas. All of them backlevel by at least one HW version, but still priced the same as the current gen Senas.
Scorpion has the EXO T520 which also has the capability for a built in communication system, although it is purchased separately for now...apparently they've partnered with UClear...
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