New East end rider on an Hypermotard 1100s.


Well-known member
Hi all, looks like a great website here.

Just bought a Hyper back in the first week of March (made for a very cold ride home).

I love it.

I have been neglecting my family since I brought it home, I hope this will pass.

I got my M2 yesterday and am looking forward to meeting some of you guys on the road.

I pulled a wheelie at Dawes & Danforth at the traffic light, by accident. Now I have learned better throttle control. I had to buy new pants and a bottle of fabreeze for the seat. I hope it doesn't lower the resale val;ue that much.
Welcome and ride safe!
Sweet bike. Im Queen and Woodbine.

You and I need to team up for Phototag so we can keep the evildoes from beyond from hogging it and putting it up where its still snowing!
welcome to the forum! enjoy!
Thanks to all for your warm welcome.

DDdean- I've read your comment several times an I just can't make sense of it. Who are the evildoes?
Ory- the evildoers are those on this Board who live outside of the central core and who play GTA Phototag.

If you're not familiar with Phototag. Someone posts a picture of their bike in an unnamed location and others have to figure out where that spot is, get their bike there, take the same'ish picture, post it in the thread and then pick a new spot to challenge riders with.

Sometimes the locations are interesting and challenging to figure out, sometimes they're obvious, but the evildoers/wrongdoers have lately had a habit of making the Tag REALLY far North. It was up beside Lake Simcoe a few weeks ago and now it is in some nondiscript big box parking lot somewhere beyond civilization!

J/K, but there are very few taggers in the central core and seemingly thousands outside of it and whenever we post a central'ish Tag someone from beyond pulls it far away.

Tagging is a really fun way to get on your bike and exploring! You should check it out. I play in the GTA one because that is where Im hopeful of actually having the time to get a Tag, but the Ontario Phototag has some really great and interesting locations.
DDean- Got it, thanks for the explanation. I remember hearing about Phototag. Sounds like fun if it's within the GTA.
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