New Chain & Sprockets: 2019 Tracer 900GT |

New Chain & Sprockets: 2019 Tracer 900GT


Well-known member
Will have 32k km on the Tracer by end of season. Purchased used with 3,700 on it, so assume chain is original.

16T front, 45T rear, 118L, 525.

Current chain requires minimal adjustment, maybe 4 - 5 minor adjustments in 28k km, not stretched, not kinked, not rusted. Always well cleaned and lubed.

Have 4 or 5 o-rings "hairs" on the outside of the chain and the same on the inside. So, I'm thinking that chain owes me nothing, no immediate risk of it breaking, but prudent to plan for its replacement end of season. Reasonable?

Looking for recomendation for OEM spec replacement kit with both sprockets and chain. Have access to rivit tool. Thanks.
Pull the chain away from the rear sprocket. How much tooth do you see?
Pull the chain away from the rear sprocket. How much tooth do you see?

Nothing, the chain pulls away somewhere between 1/16 and 1/8 of an inch. Can't see the tooth at all
FZ09 Had 45km on the original chain and sprockets, only changed them out of fear lol.

Went with OEM sprockets and a DID chain, replaced that with the same combo 60km later.

Speak to Roger @ snow city, he's a good guy.
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Then I would say the chain is fine and just keep riding it.

The only concern I have with the chain is the issue of broken torn o-rings. There are about 10, in total, that I can see and I'm pretty sure they weren't broken in June. So, as time goes on the lube the o-rings sealed in is washed away. I keep the chain clean and well lubed, but are these torn o-rings an issue I should be concerned about?

Sort of like a CV joint with a torn boot that is not making any noise. Got to be replaced, but do now or do a bit later?

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