new 2012 wr450f


New member
Is there anyway possible to get "around"
and blue plate a new wr450f (there has to be?)
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The closest way to legal (although still illegal) I can think of is use a vin off a blue plated 450. You aren't sticking it to your insurance company as the performance and risk profile is similar. It would take a very observant cop to realize that your "2007" bike is actually a 2012. This happens a lot with vehicles that are a little older (say a 10 year old vehicle revinned to be 15 years old so it can be imported).
They cannot ... because I think the system cannot simply be overridden by a clerk. If it ain't declared as OEM street legal it's not getting a blue plate. Unless it's still based on the clerk's opinion. If he/she thinks that it is not "off-road only" then it can be street legal .... who knows, maybe it is as dumb and simple. So bribe could work .....

They used to be a dealer who could get certain bikes blue plated, even though they were not OEM street legal in Canada .... the dealer is gone, but not because they would get caught, they simply went out of business to do better things. But that's how they would sell you a bike.
They cannot ... because I think the system cannot simply be overridden by a clerk. If it ain't declared as OEM street legal it's not getting a blue plate. Unless it's still based on the clerk's opinion. If he/she thinks that it is not "off-road only" then it can be street legal .... who knows, maybe it is as dumb and simple. So bribe could work .....

They used to be a dealer who could get certain bikes blue plated, even though they were not OEM street legal in Canada .... the dealer is gone, but not because they would get caught, they simply went out of business to do better things. But that's how they would sell you a bike.
I have seen non street legal KTM, Husky, and Husaberg enduro's blue plated recently. They said they just registered them at MTO offices out in the boonies and asked for a blue plate. I think more luck is involved than anything else.
so what if you do try and Bribe him could he do something Bad? if he decides not to take the bribe? or its no harm done?
so what if you do try and Bribe him could he do something Bad? if he decides not to take the bribe? or its no harm done?

Coles Notes Version:

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Bribery is illegal in Canada, depending on the context. Attempting to influence a legal decision by a judge, cop or government official is illegal. However, bribing the door man of a restaurant to be seated faster is not.[/FONT]
I have seen non street legal KTM, Husky, and Husaberg enduro's blue plated recently. They said they just registered them at MTO offices out in the boonies and asked for a blue plate. I think more luck is involved than anything else.

But what happens when an insurance claim is made

"oh, wait, this bike isn't supposed to be legal for road use in Ontario" Claim denied.
I didn't think you would ... but I know there are people who would.
I got mine blue plated this year without issues. You just check the "on road" box on the NVIS form when you bring it in to the MTO. voila, blue plates.

I'm not sure on the exact legalities of it, I added the signals, horn, high beam, brake light switches, ect.. No inspection was required, and I've never been questioned about it.
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