need your opinion |

need your opinion


my bike starts with no problem at all but when i shut off the engine and the ignition is still in the on position so lights etc are all on, just after 5 seconds leaving it on bike won't start, the battery needs to be boosted. After that the bike starts and no problem, as long as i don't shut the engine off with the keys on the off position no lights etc. So would it be the battery or the stator or regulator rectifier pls help thanks.
Sounds to me that your battery is on it's way out. It might be your r/r not supplying the correct voltage to the battery also.

Only way to find out is get a volt meter and take some readings from the battery @ off/idle/5,000+rpm

The rule of thumb when trying to troubleshoot anything mechanical is replace the cheapest components first. I believe an R/R is a lot more expensive than a battery!
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I shut off the engine and the ignition is still in the on position
What kind of double-talk is this - you're trying to trick old Gryphon? Heheh...
But I had to read your question twice because, as you know, if you turn your ignition to the off position the motor will stop.
Only use the 'kill' switch as intended, in an emergency.
(And have your battery load-tested ASAP, it's possibly dead.)
You can't just hit the kill switch, then un-kill the switch, then try to start back up.
You've gotta cycle the whole system if it's a new model - the FI, the ECU, countless servos and solenoids...
So shutdown and startup have become very deliberate these days, not unlike rebooting a computer.
Re: Batteries
Not to hijack your thread or anything, but the boys and I are all going with these gel-batteries they've got these days.
They are great and they're inexpensive. I'm talking about just the no-name ones they can get at any shop (GS or whatever the brand is, they're made in China).
Get you one.
Anyway there's my opinion, and good luck to you friend.
Only use the 'kill' switch as intended, in an emergency.

What kind of advice is this? There's nothing unsafe about using the kill switch, it interrupts the same electrical circuit as any other mechanism you would use to turn off the engine.

I mean, you're really saying that if I want to turn my engine off but keep my lights and accessories on I've gotta turn the key off then on again? Why shouldn't I tap the kill switch off and on instead? Easier to reach, less work to push a button than turn a key and not any more dangerous for your electrical system.

I mean, it doesn't really matter which way you prefer - if you like to give the key a double twist to disable engine but keep electrical on, good for you. I just can't see why you'd think that someone's preference in this respect is really significant.
There's no particular reason to use the "kill" switch rather than just turning the key off, and it puts unnecessary drain on the battery for keeping the lights on for whatever time afterward. I just switch mine off with the key ...

Still, the battery should run the lights for more than 5 seconds before having trouble. Somebody's going to be buying a new battery.

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