need some brackets printed

It takes almost six days if I printed them all at once. They can fit on the bed as nested parts. Not a great plan though in case there is an issue. Printing them as separate parts will need more time as I need some time to start each piece. I may print two at a time to split the difference. Needs about a spool of filament. I tossed the spool in the dryer and will let it cook overnight.
So obviously there is a wide spread on capabilities in 3D printers , I watched a video where one extruded a small house . And Greyghost needs 6 days to print a frame. How much do you need to spend to be something in the middle ? I’m truly fascinated with this stuff .

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So obviously there is a wide spread on capabilities in 3D printers , I watched a video where one extruded a small house . And Greyghost needs 6 days to print a frame. How much do you need to spend to be something in the middle ? I’m truly fascinated with this stuff .

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The house extruder uses a nozzle >2" diameter. I normally print using 0.4mm nozzle.

Flow rate and build volume are not necessarily correlated. My printer is off most of the time and most projects for it are not time critical so paying much for higher flow rate doesnt work financially for me. For a few hundred I can probably double the speed but meh. Larger build volume normally means a much larger footprint. I rarely print big parts so I'd rather have a smaller footprint. I can do about 300x300x340mm with what I have.

For you, I would look at a prusa. They are a bit more (but still three figures) and work out of the box with minimal fiddling. If you want to print abs, an enclosure makes your life a lot easier.

AVE was working on building his own from scratch that was radial (arm spins and extends). Cool concept for many reasons. Not sure if he ever finished it, I havent watched his stuff for a while.

Increasing nozzle diameter and layer height dropped print time to about 3 days.

On layer 75 of 176 for the four corner pieces after 25 hours. First layer was 11 hours. Once out of the base layers it is about 10 minutes a layer. Print looks slightly more porous than I would like. Will probably acetone vapor smooth and hope that seals the surface. I may print the remaining parts on the weekend. Printer is in the office and ABS stinks (and apparently gives you a headache when you are printing a lot of it. Built-in controller on printer took a dump sometime overnight. That happens occasionally. Octoprint has control of the printer so it's not a huge deal you just lose local control and ability to make adjustments to speed/temp/etc on the fly.

Four corners are done printing. Took 44:44:30. Two sides will get printed in next batch.
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This is a seriously deep rabbit hole . I know just enough to be a danger to myself , but it’s a interesting project .

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On the upside, it isnt that much money to get started and it is unlikely to shorten your life if you make a mistake.
Printer is done. Two sides took 18 hours or so. Here's how it was out of the printer. Doing acetone vapor smoothing now to try to smooth the surface.


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