Need some aluminium welded


Well-known member
Anyone know where I can get some aluminium welded. Its about 3 1" welds so not a big job. Prefer in the Markham area.
Willy's the best, but he's 3 1/2 - 4 hours away.
Tig welding aluminum is quite easy, its the expensive high frequency A/C welding machine that most people don't have. Call local weld shops that specialize in aluminum.
He's at bayview and greenlane in thornhill.
That's like 10min from Markham...

10fintec also has a proper website if you google it.

He welds stainless, aluminum, titanium.
stop in to any sign builder.. they make them out of alum... depending on the size of the weld.. their machines should be able to weld.. and the operators know how as well..
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