Need Reco: Who makes simple leather road gloves that FIT? |

Need Reco: Who makes simple leather road gloves that FIT?


Well-known member
Hi All,

I spent 30 minutes in GP Bikes today perusing their glove collection. Nothing fit. I got big hands but short fingers so XL gloves mostly fit fine in the palm but I had a lot of space at the fingers (I hate that...). The "L" Gloves fit mostly good on the fingers but too tight on the palm.

Can anyone reco a glove that would fit someone with hands like mine? Ideally I'd like a simple unlined black leather glove (no ugly plastic knuckle guards, no day-glo colors etc) that I can wear for cool-to-warmish weather.

After more than a dozen years of faithful service my existing gloves have finally started to fall apart. I have no idea who made it as the label wore off years ago. :(

TIA for the replies.


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