Need help rooting a Nook color with 1.2 firmware


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I bought one on a recent trip down to the States with the intention of un locking it. I had a Kobo which I did like, but I am looking for a device that I can read books and watch movies on,maybe play a couple of games...? I have read that it's apparentley a simple thing, more or less, to un lock the nook, but with "lesser" software, as in 1.1.

I AM NOT TECHY, so I was depending on my son to do it for me, but he was trying to downgrade the device and then un lock it. But that ended in frustration. Is it impossible to un lock a nook with 1.2 firmware?

If my son can't un lock it,( or won't...) is there somewhere I can go to have it un locked? In the east end? How much would it cost to do that if I have to go that route? Although I can't believe that how to do something like that isn't on the interwebz. I have done searches but it seems what I have found doesn't apply to my device.

I bought the nook because I can't afford a " true" tablet like a Ipad or a Galaxy and I read it's hackable to become a modest tablet.
If my son can't un lock it,( or won't...) is there somewhere I can go to have it un locked? In the east end? How much would it cost to do that if I have to go that route? Although I can't believe that how to do something like that isn't on the interwebz. I have done searches but it seems what I have found doesn't apply to my device.

I seriously thought you were between the age of 18-22 lol. Didn't know you had a son... I should stop my crude comments.

These instructions seemed simple enough when I read through them. If you can't find someone to unlock it, bring it to me I'll see if I can do it. I hacked my phone a couple of times following instructions on the interwebz.
I seriously thought you were between the age of 18-22 lol. Didn't know you had a son... I should stop my crude comments.

These instructions seemed simple enough when I read through them. If you can't find someone to unlock it, bring it to me I'll see if I can do it. I hacked my phone a couple of times following instructions on the interwebz.[/QUOTE
lmao she's over 50 I believe.
I own a Nook Color which I currently have CM7 installed on. It's been running great for months. The easiest way to root your device is to use a microsd card. You can put an image on it which will boot(microsd always boots first which is nice as it makes it very easy to root) into a "Clockwork Recovery" mode, basically this allows you to then backup your current setup and then write your new OS to the internal memory. You can even make a microsd card which can boot into another OS which while a bit slower than running from internal memory allows you to keep your device's internal memory untouched. Here's a link that briefly describes the process I could likely help you out if you need it. It's a pretty simple process and it is almost impossible to brick these things which is nice.
I own a Nook Color which I currently have CM7 installed on. It's been running great for months. The easiest way to root your device is to use a microsd card. You can put an image on it which will boot(microsd always boots first which is nice as it makes it very easy to root) into a "Clockwork Recovery" mode, basically this allows you to then backup your current setup and then write your new OS to the internal memory. You can even make a microsd card which can boot into another OS which while a bit slower than running from internal memory allows you to keep your device's internal memory untouched. Here's a link that briefly describes the process I could likely help you out if you need it. It's a pretty simple process and it is almost impossible to brick these things which is nice.

+1 CM7 is very popular. I would suggest you go with it if you can.
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