Need Help Quick! Insurance Q


New member
Hi, stupid me decided to arrange a visit to see an older bike before getting an insurance quote, now before you flame me - I just want to know whether or not I can even insure the bike to put it on the road.

I was wondering if any of you would be able to give me the yes or no answer, or point me in the right direction.

The bike is a 1965 Honda C200, I was so convinced it was streetable that I forgot to get a quote, and when I hopped on John Duffy tonight, it wasn't listed. Now I'm worried.


yes, I know - stupid.
You can insure pretty much anything. For older vehicles, there are companies that specialize in them. If it's not listed, it can be appraised.

Ask yourself some questions though: What's the real reason you want this bike? Are you a collector? Is it worth the trouble? Are you mechanically inclined? Is it possible to get replacement parts for this particular model? What kind of riding do you intend to do because with an old motorcycle you will be certainly limited.
Call Riders Plus, they will insure it and give you better rates than anyone else.
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