Need for load resistors for LED Signals?


Well-known member
So I gathered enough money for Hard bags instead and getting a list done.
I plan to have custom LED markers from sport bike flush mounts
and have them drilled and mounted into the hard bags.

Now the question is, I'm keeping the OEM bulb signals in the front,
but for the rear, if I switch them to LED, would I need load resistors for each rear? Would
they flash fast?

if you're keeping the rear oem bulbs then no, if you're removing them then yes you'll need resistors. A better solution would be to switch out the oem flasher relay for an aftermarket one that supports both led and filament bulbs. Good luck!
Okay. I was planning to get these.
I just wanted to swap the rears to LED and keep the OEM front.
Would it be better for me to throw these on each side of the rear, and have it fixed?

A note: I haven't got the parts and lights yet, I'm just working on the list to see what the budget will look like and see what will work and not.

No it would be better to fix it right and buy a flasher for LED's not very expensive and you don't have to worry about hot resistors and mounting them. The resistors are a half a** fix and cost more than a proper flasher (I bought mine from Ebay under $40 including shipping from germany)
Okay, I just don't have much experience with electricals..

So I would need to find the flasher on my bike, and replace it.
Would you know a good local place to purchase one? I don't want to pay for something overseas like HK and recieve it 3 weeks.. lol
Find the model of your flasher and look on ebay the great thing is you can wait because it is winter now. I have no idea where to find it locally.
What hard bags are you getting? You may not have to reinvent the wheel, if it has already been done by someone else. I bought a set made by these guys, from Twisted Throttle, for the Givi V35 saddlebags. They make a generic version that has its own controller, so you don't need to worry about load.

This is what they look like on my bike.
I'm getting HL bags from Mutazu. I love the bagger looks.
And yes, this is a winter project. Hopefully **** weather can start getting better near end Feb.

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