Need advice about motorcycle school


My younger brother wants to learn how to ride. I fill that if I teach him, i will either do something bad to him (I have no pations to teach others :confused:) or my bike will be wrecked by unexperienced rider. Is there a school that teaches riders from ground zero on their (school's) motorcycles in like a week or two?

... he only has G drivers license

Thank you for any advise in advance.
Don't teach family.
Have your brother get his own helmet, gloves and boots. Tell him to take a course (try Learning Curves).
It will cost between $400 - $500 but at the end, he will take a test (not separately at the Ministry).

After that, you can take him riding together to help him practice. But your brother should learn basics from riding schools.
There's nothing wrong with teaching family if you know what you're doing. But yeah, OP, if you feel you can't teach him the basics and then have him enroll in a course, I would suggest Learning Curves. I took my course there, have friends that work there and they are really great.
There are several schools in the GTA that can provide a solid grounding to enjoy the hobby.
I'd recommend RTI also.

They have about a dozen locations in and around the GTA. Retests are free if need be.
Nope its never good to teach family members! He should learn good habits from professionals! Check out the new school Motorsoul Riding School if you like COOL!! Awesome location at Ontario Place too!
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