Need a shoei part anyone have a old junk helmet laying around |

Need a shoei part anyone have a old junk helmet laying around


Well-known member
in Saturday some guy knocked my helmet off my bike and the right side lock for the visor is broken.

just wondering if anyone has a junk crashed helmet that might use the same base plate

My helmet is a trz

in Saturday some guy knocked my helmet off my bike and the right side lock for the visor is broken.

just wondering if anyone has a junk crashed helmet that might use the same base plate

My helmet is a trz


that's unfortunate!!! hope you get the part you want here!!

that's the reason I would never leave my helmet hanging off my bike, too big of a risk... I might accidentally knock it off, if not others.
that's unfortunate!!! hope you get the part you want here!!

that's the reason I would never leave my helmet hanging off my bike, too big of a risk... I might accidentally knock it off, if not others.

Some people don't really care if their helmet hits the ground though. Parked at York, there are usually 1 or 2 bikes with helmets just sitting right on top of their seat not tied down to anything. They obviously have many bumps and scrapes. Seen those helmets on the ground a couple times when it fell off but I don't think the owners really care....

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