Need a sex change?

We should stage a protest at city hall and demand that they sanction San Fran. This may lead to war. Maybe we should send some TTC shelter buses to evacuate all our citizens first.

We should stage a protest at city hall and demand that they sanction San Fran. This may lead to war. Maybe we should send some TTC shelter buses to evacuate all our citizens first.


lol yes, doom is free
I've read somewhere its free in Ontario too

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Meh. It's not like people are gonna sign up for this surgery in droves. I can think of worse things to get worked up over.
Oh no! a country we dont' live in uses money thats not ours to do things that have nothing to do with us!! the horror!
I've read somewhere its free in Ontario too

It is. In most provinces, IIRC.

I know quite a few trans people from the volunteering and research work I've done. They don't just sign one up for surgery and away they go. It takes years and years of therapist visits, a set amount of time to already be 'out' (as in living as the opposite gender on a daily, public basis), years of HRT (hormone replacement therapy), physical exams, tests, etc., etc. before they're allowed to go under the knife. It's a very long process, and not something that medical practitioners take lightly at all.

There are also a lot of procedures that are not covered by public healthcare, such as treatments to stop facial hair from growing in male-to-female transpersons. To "pass" as the 'other' often requires extensive surgery beyond what's in the pants, so to speak. Adam's apple shaving is one of them. For F-2-M, removing of breast tissue. None of the HRT is covered, either. Unless the person has a workplace drug plan that will cover it.
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If I got a sex change I'd never get anything done. I'd sit at home all day playing with my boobs!
Funny how HRT is an option for trans-gendered yet TRT and HGH for therapy/healing/recovery/anti aging (not sports performance/bodybuilding) isn't even DISCUSSED as viable medical options for those who could benefit from it.
Funny how HRT is an option for trans-gendered yet TRT and HGH for therapy/healing/recovery/anti aging (not sports performance/bodybuilding) isn't even DISCUSSED as viable medical options for those who could benefit from it.
Abuse of PED's in sports has created a stigma around all those substances to the point where even legitimate, medical use and research is being looked down upon. With that said there IS some doctors in Canada that acknowledge that there are benefits to some of that stuff for healing/therapy purposes and will recommend or even prescribe test, GH, etc. for certain injuries but this is all very much under the table/underground and you have to "know the right people".......or that's what I hear anyways.

You bet your *** that if some top athlete gets injured and the question becomes "is he going to take the moral high ground and sit out the next 10 games" or "take some X, Y and Z and be back on the field in 3 games", the choice is usually pretty simple. Especially when missing those extra games will cost a few hundred thousand dollars and some disappointed fans.
Funny how HRT is an option for trans-gendered yet TRT and HGH for therapy/healing/recovery/anti aging (not sports performance/bodybuilding) isn't even DISCUSSED as viable medical options for those who could benefit from it.

AFAIK, these therapies are covered for people who need it. In particular, amongst women with certain types of ovarian and hormone problems who are unable to conceive.
Regardless. for less than the money I used to give the guy at the TTC, money well spent. I would pay it without a second thought.
Abuse of PED's in sports has created a stigma around all those substances to the point where even legitimate, medical use and research is being looked down upon. With that said there IS some doctors in Canada that acknowledge that there are benefits to some of that stuff for healing/therapy purposes and will recommend or even prescribe test, GH, etc. for certain injuries but this is all very much under the table/underground and you have to "know the right people".......or that's what I hear anyways.

You bet your *** that if some top athlete gets injured and the question becomes "is he going to take the moral high ground and sit out the next 10 games" or "take some X, Y and Z and be back on the field in 3 games", the choice is usually pretty simple. Especially when missing those extra games will cost a few hundred thousand dollars and some disappointed fans.

Been trying for years to find a doctor willing to discuss those forms of treatment to correct my destroyed shoulder joint... No such luck, because like you said, I'm not rich/a celebrity/or a pro athlete. Just joe-blow with terrible arthritis at a young age whose life revolves around lifting weights and being fit, so the only answer I've ever received from surgeons/medical professionals is - stop lifting weights. And here's an unlimited prescription for serious opiate painkillers. Have a nice life.
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