Names of the Pilots of Asiana Airlines 777

They were expecting to get their arse torn up when they got to San Francisco but not that badly.
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Thats funny as heck, but that news report went through about 2 editors and a production team and a news writer before it aired. Funny aside, somebody should be unemployed for that.
So racist
She won't own the error. She claims the bogus names were confirmed by officials.


She was probably reading off a prompter and just maybe someone set her up. Not her fault but it's her face on the blooper. Millions of you tube hits.
I thought it was a hilarious prank. No way the perpetrator ever expected the names to actually go on air. Due to the incompetence of the news staff who were responsible for content, it slipped through.
Asiana launched a lawsuit against the station claiming racism and damge to reputation. Methinks they'll win.

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