my neighbour told me, my bike is on his lawn!


Well-known member
someone decided to relocate my bike, from my driveway to my neighbour's lawn a few house away. I didnt have time to go through but as far as i can see the steering lock is busted. should I go through insurance to repair my bike? It's crb 250 and I pay only $35/month, would my insurance go up if i made a claim???
Put a better lock on it
and a security camera.

Steering locks only stop honest people.
Put a better lock on it
and a security camera.

Steering locks only stop honest people.

I have ring pro doorbell but it was really dark and the motion sensor didnt get trigger, my neighbour has a security system and would've captured the incident. Im going to report it to the police once i get the footage.
Need a 901 E :devilish:caution: may explode on impact with a screw driver version. That would be an upgrade.
do people use steering locks often? o.o;
I almost never ever use it.... tho I park my bike in the garage when i'm home...

I've always assumed steering locks really only stops your friends from pranking you by moving your bike away :P
Add me to the list of people that very rarely use a steering lock. They are trivially easy to break (if you don't mind some minor damage to the fairings). I do sometimes use a disc lock and occasionally a bike lock through one or both wheels depending on how sketchy the area is.
I never use my steering lock, but then my bike weighs a friggin' ton so not likely anyone would want to push it too far. it's also not what thieves are looking for either.
Very odd, unless it's a prank or attempted theft dragging a bike down the road a few properties with the steering lock on just doesn't make sense
Very odd, unless it's a prank or attempted theft dragging a bike down the road a few properties with the steering lock on just doesn't make sense

I dont know if the bike was drag but it was in gear when i picked it up, i dont remember the steering lock was in lock position or not because i inserted the key when it was on the ground.

my neighbour's camera didnt have any useful footage either, just a suspicious pickup truck picked up the guy walking in the photo around 11 pm.

suspicious truck

my bike will be in the garage from now on ;D I was looking at honda rc51 yesterday thinking UPGRADE but i guess that can wait.
Did you check the odometer or see if the engine was warm....? Did they actually try to start/ride it and then just gave up?

Or rode it and then returned it when they realized it wasn't a 600RR? ;)

As for steering locks, I agree it's not a massive deterrent, but I use mine occasionally if I'm parking somewhere that seems a bit dodgy. If nothing else it makes it harder for someone to try to even move the bike.
I rarely even take the key out. It's always in the garage at home, and never really more than 100 feet away from me when out. I really only ride for pleasure so no locking and leaving.

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I always use the steeringlock. Even when it is in my shed. I also always use the parking brake on all my vehicles. The new to me R100gs has the steeringlock up in the fairing so this might change if it is to much of a pain.
Just reading your issue in technical.

So after dragging your bike with the lock on (or busted during the attempted move) are you now convinced if probably was a theft attempt?

Do you have a more secure place to store it?
Just reading your issue in technical.

So after dragging your bike with the lock on (or busted during the attempted move) are you now convinced if probably was a theft attempt?

Do you have a more secure place to store it?

i learned my lesson, i park my bike in the garage now , people steal anything even 250's . but i think PrivatePilot was right, they mightve thought it was 600RR lol.
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