My Letter To <Insert Your Motorcycle Manufacturers Name Here>


Ironus Butticus
Staff member
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Found a similar thread on another forum I'm on that was fun.

If you were to write a letter to your manufacturer of choice about whatever is on your mind about your bike, past, present, or whatever is bike related, what would it say?

I'm sure actually writing a letter and sending it to them would accomplish a ton more than just yelling into the ether here, but hey, but let's go for slacktivism instead.


Dear Yamaha. Why? Yeah, the touring market is not what it once was, but it's also far from gone. Why introduce such an amazing motorcycle as the Star Venture Transcontinental, and then just one day out of the blue completely ghost it from your website without nary a comment if it's just on vacation, gone for good, or just being reworked for a new generation?

Just, one day it's there and for sale, and the next day, gonzo. And nobody knows what's happened, even years later. I know how FJR fans must feel now with it's weird existence in the last few years, existing as a 2025 model in Canada, but being nowhere to be seen on your USA website. Same for the Super Tenere,

But, to then add insult to injury, you basically stopped manufacturing accessories. Want a heel-toe shifter. Nope, you can only get the heel portion, but the toe portion has been sold out for years now, and you NEED the toe portion in order to use the heel portion because they only work together. What the heck? OEM Saddlebag lid protectors? History. OEM cargo rack? There's a few still out there but even they're getting hard to find.

It's cool that you still seem to be making some parts at least, or at least seem to have a stockpile, but really, let's get back in the game.
Dear KTM,

I like vajayjay as much as the next guy, but perhaps not on the front of the bike, all lit up like the Biblical Burning Bush...

Dear Honda:

You got it right in 1988. Thanks for the Hawk GT... but I might be running out of spare parts in the next couple of decades. And I'm not going to buy a new bike.

Dear Triumph:

Thank you for all the hard work you've done in the product placement department. It has paid off.




प्रिय केटीएम,

आपण भारतात पूर्ण लाइन-अप कधी तयार करण्यास प्रारंभ कराल?

Dear Norton:

Where is my initial investment?

And I have one of your older products. It says to machine wash and tumble dry at low heat. Is it possible to dry clean it?
Dear Suzuki.

Can you please shed some weight off of the VStrom DL1050?
As an alternative I will welcome suggestions on how to grow a few inches and gain some weight. Muscle weight and not fat..
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