My bike won't start |

My bike won't start


Well-known member
I was showing my friends the bike and I wanted to take it for a ride and it didn't start what should I do I started earlier today it was fine but now it won't start
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You're not really giving anyone anything to go on here. Does it turn over? Can you hear the solenoid? When did it last work? Is it a battery issue? etc.
check battery and connections
have you been stalling it a lot? the batteries probably dead
It doesn't start at all nothing happens just the neutral light goes off and on

You're not really giving anyone anything to go on here. Does it turn over? Can you hear the solenoid? When did it last work? Is it a battery issue? etc.
IS the Gas Turned on?
Does the headlight turn on?
Do the Turn Signals Flash?
Pretty good chance that it's something simple.

Kill switch in the "off" position accidentally (do you normally use it?), clutch switch, starter button, etc.

It will really help to know make, model, year.
Kill switch in the "off" position accidentally.

Didn't this exact thread happen earlier in the season? Check your kill switch buddy.
Kill switch on
Kickstands down and bikes in gear
kickstand kill switch is stuck
clutch kill switch has come loose
no Gas
Dead battery
Dead starter
Depending on the bike the gas is switched off

You need to give more details

What does "doesn't start" mean?

When you turn the key to on do...

the lights come on?
The fuel pump kick in? (If you have fuel injection)

when you hit the starter what happens?

1) nothing
2) it clicks
3) it tries to start but doesn't catch?
Kill switch was on the stand was up and clutch was in the bike in neutral the headlights r on. Cbr 125 2008

Assuming all starting sequences are done ei. Kill switch, neutral blah blah blah.
Does it make a ticking sound when you hit the starter button? And are the lights a little dim or slow to come on? If prolly left you ignition on when you took it out earlier and the battery is now weak.
Tricky came over and helped me start it thanks a lot tricky I seriously freaked out I didn't know what to do seriously dont know how to thank u enough

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