Muffler clamps


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I'm going to be using sections of 2" muffler pipe for the ends of my exhaust. Standard muffler clamps with the "U" bolt and saddle will look big and ugly in this application.

Gear clamps might work if I slit the end. That seems a hacker method and the slits could leak.

Anyone know of an alternative?
T-bolt clamps or butt joint clamps are less ugly but cost more. I'm not sure if t-bolt pulls tight enough for no leaks.

That top pic is more industrial, IMO. the bottom clamps would be my choice
The T clamp exert clamping force in 360 degrees
The other ones exert clamping force ... uhmm... errr... less, like a worm gear clamp... but they hide the joint in the pipe in shiny chrome.

If this is for your drag racer: weld it on.
@bitzz said it first -- just weld it.
  • Regular muffler clamps need an inner with an OD that can slide into an outer pipe's ID. The crimp and distort the pipe, generally non-removable.
  • @GreyGhost's top clamps are for removable pipe connections, these are common on bike slip-on connections. They work like a collet, the outer pipe must be slit then slid over an inner pipe. They will not work unless the outer pipe is slit.
  • @GreyGhost's bottom clamp is for butt joining pipes of equal OD (or repairing a puncture or rust hole).
Welding........ Hadn't thought of that.

Rather permanent but what the heck "In for a penny in for a pound"
My daughter gave me a sticker for my welding hood. "I welded it helded" ( and another that say's "all good in da hood")
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