MS Excel basic help needed


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I never use Excel but want to try something. Basically I want to produce a working spreadsheet so a client can change values. The sheet has to multiply a range of values ie C4 to C60) by the same cell (E2) but put the answer in the D column next to the correwsponding C value entry ie when C4 and E2 multiply the answer appears in D4, when C5 and E2 multiply the answer appears in D5. I know I can enter the formula manually but I have about 70 vaues to enter. Is there a way to repeat the formula thru the spreadsheet? Any help? Any suggestions?
Type =C4*E$2 in D4
Copy cell to range D5 to D60
$ anchors to row or column
C4 might be 1000 &
C5 might be =C4+1000
Copy C5 to range C6 to C60
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Copy cell to range c5 to c60
$ anchors to row or column

Yes, yes. I just got the same reply from another forum i go on. And it works. Many thanks.
Yep.. took me a while to figure that out when I was learning, but use $E$6.. or E$6 in this case would work if you're just going vertical
when you are typing an address in a cell, like go =e6 then hit the f4 key repeatedly before hitting enter and it will toggle the $ signs that fix the column and row address.
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