Movies with a surprising amount of nudity


Well-known member
"Surprising" being the key word. Yes, I understand pornos do this quite well. That's not what I mean here. Tonight the wife and I decided to pick a movie off Netflix. The wife picked "Good Luck Chuck" a starring Dane Cook & Jessica Alba. In order to enjoy myself and loaded up with a few beers before hitting play for this yawnfest. I guess I'm just use to the boring non nudity RomCom's Hollywood rolls out these days, but DAMN!!!! There was a lot of boobies in this movie. So much so I lost count! Dane Cook, you horny little bastard! Anyway, the story sucked *** but the huge amount of naked chicks made up for the 2 hours I got stuck waiting for Jessica to disrobe (which by the way never happened). Anyway lads, I recommend this for any night your stuck watching a movie with the wife/girlfriend. 5 out of 5 boobs.

Project x... Lol if u seen it u would know what I mean...
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