
Unfortunately I stopped shaving my upper lip in 1975, so I can't take part. I just donate to one of the local chapters instead. I was thinking that one of these years I should do a reverse Movember and if enough money is raised, I'll shave it off.
I would but i havent shaven in awhile. I was gonna shave it off, but now that i cant use my left hand... id probaly end up slicing my throat open shaving with my right.

That is more then being a debbie downer! lol
but the facts are true, and a scary reality. I started to grow last year. But some places i end up working will not allow hair. Although that's not totally true, you would have to wear the lip net. Now as appealing and fashionably awkward as that is, there is something about welding with a flammable net attached to your face!
Unfortunately I stopped shaving my upper lip in 1975, so I can't take part. I just donate to one of the local chapters instead. I was thinking that one of these years I should do a reverse Movember and if enough money is raised, I'll shave it off.

My dad had a mustache for 47 years... Until last night. My siblings and i had to raise $1000 to get him to shave it off. We started oct 16 and raised it in time for last night!

P.s i went to the bank last year and took out $500. I handed it to him and said go shave! He left the money on the counter and walked away.

The next day he came home with a tube of mustache growing cream and told me good luck!
Care to elaborate?

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