motorcycle safety certificate |

motorcycle safety certificate


Hi guys,

I just sold the bike and promised provide certificate; however, don't have insurance any more to take a bike to mechanic. I remember here was a guy who can come, checkup the bike and provide safety certificate for ministry of transportation. Please provide guys' phone number if you have it, I am living in Richmond Hill.

Sorry, don't mean to hijack the thread but you just reminded me of something. On tues my buddy and I took his new-to-him bike to Canadian Tire at Allen & Lawrence for a safety (yes I know, pls don't start on crappy tire. Trust me we had a reason =).

Anyway, dude asks my friend to ride it into the shop and my friend's like "uhh... oh kayyy... (no one here knows how to operate a bike?)". So we take it in and the guy says "one of your lights is out". Face->Palm! We chuckled and watched him do the rest of the safety which took about three minutes. He squeezed the brakes, checked the turn signals and honked the horn. Actually it was quite amusing watching him try to check the brake light while operating the levers by himself lol. Then he disappeared for about 5 min or so and came back with a certificate. "All done!"

I go to Canadian Tire because they seem to pass everything but this was the first time I actually witnessed them do nothing lol!
Friend of mine got some temporary insurance for the trip to the garage and back.
my friend had just took my ownership and got it done without the bike or anything lmao

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