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Does anyone know whether motorcycle parking is free in Oakville? I heard that you don't have to pay in Toronto but what about other places in the GTA?
Where CAN motorcycles park anyways??? I've always thought that motorcycles may only be parked in locations where cars may be parked as well, but I often see bikes parked on sidewalks, next to a building, curbs etc.
Didn't the receipt have a perforation where you tear it into two parts? One you leave on the bike, and the other you put in your wallet so you have proof when some a$$hat takes your receipt.Update... I paid the machine today in Oakville, and placed the receipt on my bike. When I came out an hour later it was gone and I had a $20 parking ticket. There you go.
When u guys park in Toeronto, do u take up one space or park between 2 cars, i've seen ppl park between 2, what if someone backs into you.
Update... I paid the machine today in Oakville, and placed the receipt on my bike. When I came out an hour later it was gone and I had a $20 parking ticket. There you go.
Try not to park behind cars that are already scratched up in 18places. I try parking behind a nice car that has sensors/camera.
If you park where you need a paid ticket on your bike - keep a sharpie handy and write motorcycle on the ticket. This deters others taking it. You can also snap a pic of it on your phone so if you do get a ticket, you have proof to go to court.
That won't run so well with cops.I have a friend who lives in Oakville, and he tells me that he parks on sidewalks with no problems.